Wheat and OSR area up, but barley down for harvest 2022: Grain market daily

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Market commentary

  • UK feed wheat futures (Nov-22) closed yesterday at £260.00/t, down £0.50/t on Tuesday’s close. The May-23 contract settled at £265.40/t, down £1.50/t over the same period.
  • New crop futures (Nov-23) closed at £228.40/t, gaining £0.50/t on Tuesday’s close.
  • Domestic wheat prices followed the downward trend of Chicago and Paris markets yesterday. The main price pressures have been concerns about recession risks, on-going Northern Hemisphere harvest and the strengthening of the US dollar.
  • Paris rapeseed futures (Nov-22) closed at €683.00/t on Wednesday, gaining €19.25/t from Tuesday’s close.

Wheat and OSR area up, but barley down for harvest 2022

Today AHDB released its latest Planting & Variety Survey results, which show the UK planted area estimates for harvest 2022. This data is broken down not only into crops, but also by UK flour miller group and malting or non-malting approved feed barley varieties.

AHDB have worked hard to improve the coverage of this survey. For the first time ever, we are able to publish a full UK (not just GB) regional break down of both wheat and barley, delivering better information for the levy payer.

Below is an overview of the latest survey results:

  • In 2022 the UK wheat area is estimated at 1,807Kha, 1% up from 2021.
  • The total UK barley area for harvest 2022 is estimated at 1,103Kha, down 4% on the year. The UK spring barley area is estimated at 656Kha, down 12% year-on-year, while the winter barley area is estimated to be 10% higher at 447Kha.
  • The UK oat area is estimated at 183Kha, 9% down year-on-year.
  • At 336Kha, the UK oilseed rape (OSR) area is 9% higher than 2021 levels.
  • For harvest 2022 KWS-Extase is the most popular wheat variety with 14% of the total wheat area. For barley, Laureate is the most popular variety, accounting for 32% of the total barley area.

To view the full results, please click here.

A table showing wheat & barley planting & variety survey results

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