What could drive grain markets this week? Grain Market Daily

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Market commentary

  • Nov-22 UK feed wheat futures closed at £287.15/t yesterday, up £2.15/t from Fridays close.
  • On the back of supported soyabean markets, Paris rapeseed futures (Nov-22) closed €700.00/t yesterday, €4.50/t up from Friday.

What could drive grain markets this week?

Following a few weeks of price falls and markets moving somewhat sideways, both domestic and global grain markets closed up week-on-week on Friday. The rise in prices has come as recessionary fears ease, as well as an anticipated uptick in Chinese demand on the back of lower prices.

There is little ‘new news’ in the world of agricultural markets at the moment, with what would have once been considered small drivers, having a larger impact on markets of lates. This is due to the heightened volatility globally due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. Below is an overview of some of the possible market movers over the coming weeks.

Table showing key market watch points for this week

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