Summary of Private Storage Aid scheme usage
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
By Patty Clayton
The EU Commission opened the Private Storage Aid (PSA) scheme on 7 May as an emergency measure to support the industry through the lockdown phase. For dairy, the scheme provided subsidised storage for skim milk powder (SMP), butter and cheese (all varieties).
As of 30 June, when the scheme closed, a total of 135,543 tonnes of dairy products have been offered into PSA. Of the total tonnage, SMP accounts for 15%, butter for 50%, and cheese for 35%. The countries with the highest proportion of product offered into PSA are summarised in the chart.
The UK also took advantage of the scheme, but only for cheese and butter. It has entered 1,695 tonnes of butter into PSA, along with 4,499 tonnes of cheese - filling its allocation of cheese volumes in the first week.
Overall, volumes of SMP, butter and cheese entered into PSA across all Member States account for 1.4%, 3.0% and 0.5% respectively of annual production (based on 2019 figures).

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