Spring Grain Market Outlook live, today!

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Market commentary

  • UK feed wheat futures (May-22) closed yesterday at £325.00/t, up £3.00/t on Friday’s close. New crop wheat futures (Nov-22) closed at £287.55/t, down £0.05/t over the same period.
  • Paris rapeseed futures (May-22) closed at €1065.25/t, down €16.00/t on Friday’s close. New crop futures (Nov-22) closed at €834.50/t, down €17.00/t over the same period.
  • Indonesian government officials reported that the recent announced palm oil export ban would not include Crude Palm Oil, instead shipments of Refined, Bleached, Deodorised palm olein.
  • Data collection is now live for the AHDB Planting and Variety Survey, the only pre-harvest planting view of grain and oilseed crops. Play a part in creating accurate data by completing the planting survey form. The results of this survey will allow the industry to accurately quantify domestic production, at a time where food security is more important than ever.

Spring Grain Market Outlook live, today!

Join our market intelligence experts and analysts, live at our 2022 Spring Grain Market Outlook webinar, starting at 10:30am!

It takes 2 minutes to sign up and gain access to this event.

With strong grain prices in a climate of rising costs, never has it been so important to understand what is driving markets and how margins can be managed to best ensure business profitability.

This farmer-focussed spring webinar will be discussing some of these key factors, including price direction, margins, and domestic policy.

Live stream programme:

Part 1 – Market outlook

Looking forward to the new season, where do we expect prices to be heading for grains and oilseeds. What key factors are driving markets, both on a global and domestic front?

Part 2 – Dealing with higher input prices

A look at a range of strategies to help mitigate the higher prices of farm inputs.

Part 3 - The Sustainable Farming Incentive: the costs and choices for arable farms

Domestic policy is changing, and we need to understand the implications as part of considering future farm income. Here, we offer an overview of the Sustainable Farming Incentive, the standards, and options for arable farmers.

Please use the following link to register:


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