Meet our new North West KE manager at our free SFI event

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Craig Patrick, our new North West knowledge exchange (KE) manager, is co-hosting his first event, The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) – what can it do for you?, with farmer Henry Scholefield on Thursday 15 February.

The event will run from 10:30am to 2pm at Cottage Wood Centre, 4 Pennine Way, Calthwaite, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9PL. 

Attendees will get the chance to meet agronomist and guest speaker Steven Gate, who will give a presentation on the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI).

He will examine the best options for farms in the area and what they can do to minimise the squeeze on their incomes caused by the reduction in Direct Payments.

Steven will also look at the options available to use less productive areas on their farms as part of the SFI to potentially increase their long-term productivity. 

Registration and refreshments are from 10:30am, with presentations from 10:45am. There will also be a short field walk.

Points towards BASIS and NRoSO professional development schemes can be claimed for attending. Lunch will be provided. Book your place

AHDB Monitor Farms bring together groups of like-minded farmers who wish to improve their businesses by sharing performance information and best practice around a nationwide network of host farms. 

Craig will be supporting Henry to undertake practical trials, guided by a local steering committee, and report the results to fellow farmers in the area at regular networking events.

Craig said:

“I grew up on my family’s 200-acre arable farm in North Yorkshire, and I know how important it is to make the most of every opportunity for extra funding and to increase profitability.

"It’s really useful to have guidance from someone like Steven, who can give a clear picture of the advantages – and challenges – of SFI at this time and help farmers to increase their resilience.”

Craig studied Geography at Manchester Metropolitan University and went on to work in the soil advisory and precision ag sectors. He is experienced in using spatial data and analytics to drive on-farm productivity, sustainability and efficiency, and is looking forward to using this in his new role.

Registration is needed – please book a place
