Meet new Northern Ireland knowledge exchange manager at free event

Monday, 12 February 2024

Craig Patrick, our new knowledge exchange (KE) manager for Northern Ireland, is co-hosting his first Limavady Monitor Farm event on Thursday 22 February from 10:30am to 2:30pm at The Drummond Hotel, 2 Main Street, Ballykelly, Limavady, BT49 9HP.

Attendees will join experts Helen Ovens and Matthew Turner from ADAS (the UK’s largest independent agricultural and environmental consultancy) to look at how the changes in management practices at the Monitor Farm have affected its carbon footprint over the past four years.

The meeting will cover:

  • Changes that have been made to reduce Limavady Farm’s carbon footprint, and the impact each change has made
  • Other mitigation methods
  • Soil management and carbon
  • Interpretation of data and carbon emission compared to carbon sequestration (removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in solid or liquid form)

Helen and Matthew will also talk about where to start if you haven’t already begun to consider your farm’s carbon footprint, including making an action plan and taking steps to mitigate carbon emissions.

They will also advise on available carbon credit schemes and the questions farmers should be asking.

AHDB Monitor Farms bring together groups of like-minded farmers who wish to improve their businesses by sharing performance information and best practice around a nationwide network of host farms.

Craig will be supporting Limavady to continue practical trials guided by a local steering committee and report the results to fellow farmers in the area at regular networking events.

Craig said:

“I grew up on my family’s 200-acre arable farm in North Yorkshire and, with my background of soil consultancy, I understand how important the subject of carbon is in our modern agriculture industry.

“Gaining expert-guided insight in the form of detailed, real-world, on-farm examples is invaluable, and this event will leave our attendees in good stead for navigating such a complex subject area and the part it plays within their own enterprises.”

Craig studied Geography at Manchester Metropolitan University and went on to work in the soil advisory and precision ag sectors. He is experienced in using spatial data and analytics to drive on-farm productivity, sustainability and efficiency, and is looking forward to using this in his new role.

Registration and refreshments will be available from 10:30am, with presentations starting at 10:45am. Lunch will be provided.

Points towards BASIS and NRoSO professional development schemes can be claimed for attending.

Registration is needed – please book a place
