Lyndon Edwards takes the helm of the Dairy Roadmap

Monday, 23 September 2024

Chair of our Dairy sector council, Lyndon Edwards, has taken on the role of chair of the Dairy Roadmap. This signals a new chapter in the cross-industry initiative’s efforts to drive sustainability within the industry in the UK.

The Dairy Roadmap, established in 2008, is a collaborative industry project aimed at improving the environmental footprint of the entire dairy supply chain. Led by Dairy UK, AHDB and the National Farmers Union (NFU), the roadmap sets ambitious targets to build a more sustainable dairy sector.

The position of chair rotates between the three steering group members, with Lyndon holding it on behalf of AHDB.

Lyndon runs a 670-acre organic dairy farm near Chepstow. He is also a board member of Dairy UK and vice-chair of the Dairy UK Farmers Forum.

Lyndon brings extensive experience to his new role. He said:

“As the incoming chair of the roadmap, one of my key priorities is to improve communication of the roadmap’s aims and objectives to farmers, while also highlighting the achievements we’ve made so far.

“I’m excited to drive positive change by identifying quick wins for the industry − particularly for farmers − and using the roadmap’s resources to help the industry adopt good practices quickly.”

The Dairy Roadmap is committed to driving environmental best practices, fostering innovation and ensuring regulatory compliance across the sector. It aims to maximise the social and economic benefits for the UK dairy industry by integrating these improvements. In doing so, the roadmap supports the global effort to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C and aligns with the UK Government’s commitment to achieving net zero emissions.

During its recent stakeholder forum, the Dairy Roadmap highlighted significant progress in areas such as reducing calving intervals and improving milking age − clear evidence of the industry’s dedication to sustainable practices and animal welfare.

A key moment in the forum was the launch of the new Dairy Roadmap website, a platform for informing on best practices for both farmers and processors.

Two new working groups were unveiled at the forum which will focus on biodiversity and data collection. These initiatives aim to foster collaboration and set new benchmarks that will help achieve the roadmap's overall goals.

Go to the Dairy Roadmap website


