GB milk production shows early peak

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

By Bronwyn Magee

GB milk deliveries dropped back on forecasted levels in the week ending 15 May, averaging 37.49ml. This was 0.4% below forecasted volumes and 0.3% below the previous week, signalling that we have passed the peak.

Current figures indicate that deliveries peaked on 28 April at 37.93ml, with the 7-day rolling average peaking on 29 April at 37.77ml. These figures may be subject to revision.

Dry weather sees yields drop back

Milk yields have been impacted by prolonged dry weather seen throughout April, with grass growth rates much lower than last year in the build up to the peak. The latest Forage for Knowledge grass growth data shows an a large increase in grass growth for the week ending 22 May, with growth rates now exceeding those seen last year. If this continues it could aid milk production in coming weeks.

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