Blog: Turning challenges to opportunities

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Having joined HGCA in the 1990s as an economist, I have always believed the levy bodies have a vital role to play in UK agriculture. I look forward to working with the many talented staff at AHDB at this vitally important time for the cereals and oilseeds sector.

The Sector Council is now working on the C&O strategic plan, aiming to reflect the key asks of growers who responded to the Shape the Future survey, while bearing in mind the statutory functions required of AHDB, which include improving the efficiency and productivity of the industry and improving ways in which the industry contributes to sustainable development. Wide-ranging discussions have already taken place, and I am confident that a forward-looking, workable plan will evolve in the coming months.

I have worked on trade policy for many years and hope to bring my knowledge of global markets to the council discussions. Challenges for the sector include the destabilising effect of the war in Ukraine, Brexit, uncertainty over future agriculture and trade policy decisions, recovery from the pandemic and the need to increase the sector’s sustainability credentials. We shall undoubtedly see changes in the years ahead, and I aim to do my best to ensure levy payers get value for their money as we address these challenges and hopefully turn some of them into opportunities.

If you wish to discuss further any aspects of the cereals and oilseeds strategic plan, please feel free to contact me:

Image of staff member Sarah Nightingale

Sarah Nightingale

AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council Member (Independent)

See full bio
