Rhual Dairy strategic dairy farm launch

Rhual Dairy in Flintshire became our first strategic dairy farm in Wales when it launched in June 2019.

Over 80 people attend the launch of Rhual Dairy in Flintshire, our first strategic dairy farm in Wales.

The 550 acre farm is operated by John and Anna Booth who have an all year round calving herd of 330 milking cows, achieving 8,500 litreL per cow per year.

Over the next three years John and Anna aim to increase their yield from forage to over 9,000 litres per cow.

The day included a tour of the farm, an overview of their key performance indicators and a thorough overview of John and Anna's processes and systems.

John shared his enthusiasm and reasoning for becoming a Strategic Dairy Farm 'We were delighted to be asked. We have always been active in discussion groups and have received massive benefits from being involved so the chance to get regular feedback from other farmers on the farm is one I did not want to miss. Farmers give you very practical advice and are not scared of telling you exactly what they think which is extremely helpful.'

As well as increasing their yields from forage John and Anna will be focusing on improving their dry cow transitioning, reducing their use of antibiotics, improving their grassland and pasture management and creating a resilient system that unlocks more time for themselves. 

Learn more about Rhual Dairy

Explore our other strategic dairy farms

John and Anna Booth tell us about their farm and reflect on the day

Photos from the launch event
