Spring Oat Forum

Past Event - booking closed

Wednesday, 08 January 2020

8:00am - 10:30am

Rowley Mile Racecourse, Newmarket, Suffolk


Spring Oat Forum

This is a specialist workshop for oat growers and prospective oat growers in the East, jointly hosted by AHDB, Gowlett Grain and Camgrain.   This event builds on the previous two years of the Spring Oat Forum, run by Gowlett Grain.

This years’ speakers include:

  • Richard Jennaway, Saaten Union -  Oat breeder and triallist, who will speak on objectives for spring oats from a breeders perspective.
  • Dr Sarah Clarke, ADAS – Sarah’s research work specialises in oats and will review the East Anglian Spring Oat Project and report on harvest 2019’s trial.
  • Michaela Williams, Food Innovation and Nutrition - Michaela has spent 21 years in the food industry latterly selling milling oat products around the world and will talk of consumer requirements.
  • Adam Driver, Driver Farms - Oat grower will talk of his oat growing experience’ over the past three years and use of a stripper header at harvest.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions and share best practice in the growing of this crop.  The new Oat Growth Guide will be available and there will be an opportunity to speak to its authors


  • Registration and coffee
  • Welcome and introductions: Gordon Gowlett, Gowlett Grain and Teresa Meadows, AHDB
  • Spring oat breeding programme: Richard Jennaway, Saaten Union
  • Oats – nutrition and agronomy: Dr Sarah Clarke, ADAS
  • Prospects – consumer insight and innovation for the oat product: Michaela Williams, Food, Innovation and Nutrition
  • Harvest management – using a stripper header as the way forward? Adam Driver, Driver Farms
  • Panel discussion: question and answer session
  • Close: Gordon Gowlett, Gowlett Grain and Teresa Meadows, AHDB
  • Depart

