Pork drop-in session (East)
Drop in and catch up with the Pork team
We’re conscious we haven’t been able to meet up with you for a long time. This means we haven’t been able to catch up with you on all manner of topics, as we might have done at a pig club or during a farm visit.
To help fill the void of our physical pig clubs, we’re holding a couple of drop-in sessions where you can pick our brains and feed back on our activity. There’ll be no set agenda, and you can come and go as you wish – so hopefully, you will be able to fit it in around your day-to-day tasks.
While it isn’t quite the same as meeting up in person, we really want you to have the opportunity to feed back on issues you’re facing and on AHDB’s activity and strategy.
Perhaps you’d like to know more about what we do and who we are, or tell us what you’d like us to do more of? Or maybe, you’d just like a bit of a chat.
Regardless of how you want to use the time, we hope you can join us.
If you have any questions specifically relating to health and welfare, Lauren Dimmack, one of our Animal Health & Welfare Scientists, will be joining the call between 4-4:30pm.
Get in touch if you'd like to register:
E: andrew.palmer@ahdb.org.uk T: 07976 443454
We will run the session through Microsoft Teams – you can join via your computer or mobile phone. Once you have registered, we'll send you login details, but if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.
Other drop-in dates:
3pm–5pm, 24 March: Drop-in session for the North with Emily Boyce
2pm–5pm, 8 June: Drop-in session for the South/Central with Pat Loten
If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.
T 07976 443454