North Yorkshire Monitor Farm: Taking control of overheads

Past Event - booking closed

Thursday, 27 February 2025

10:00am - 2:00pm

Hutton Rudby Village Hall, Enterpen, Hutton Rudby, North Yorkshire

TS15 0EJ

It's time to tackle your overheads!

You can take action to reduce overheads and find more efficient ways of operating. It requires some longer-term planning, but the goal is to improve margins for future years. One component of this is your machinery strategy, impacting everything from operational efficiency to long-term profitability.

We're going to lay it all out on the table when we are joined by expert speaker Harry Henderson, plus additional guests.

What this meeting will cover

  • Information on how to assess what type of machinery is right for your business
  • Improving profitability and knowing what tools are out there to help you achieve this
  • Insights on the trends of top performing farms
  • Workshop activity to calculate machinery requirements – assessing your farm's specific needs, considering factors such as soil type, crop rotation, attitude to risk and personal preferences

Registration and refreshments are from 10:00am with a 10:30am start. Lunch will also be provided. The event is free to attend, but please pre-register so we can cater accordingly.

Come along to claim your BASIS and NRoSO points.


If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.

