Kent Monitor Farm: Launch meeting and farm walk

Tuesday, 09 July 2024

5:00pm - 8:00pm

Pent Farm, Postling, Hythe, Kent

CT21 4EY

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Join us for the launch of the new Kent Monitor Farm with hosts Tom and Debbie Reynolds. This will be an exciting opportunity to learn about their farming enterprises at Pent Farm and head out on a farm walk.

This meeting will cover

  • An introduction to the farm business, including cropping, agronomy, and soils
  • A look at the machinery on farm, discussing cultivation and establishment techniques
  • Developing the three-year programme of activities

Following the farm walk there will be an opportunity for those attending to feed into the programme at the very beginning of the Monitor Farm journey and identify topics of interest the attendees would like to cover in the upcoming winter season’s meetings and workshops.

Registration tea and coffee will be available from 5:00pm with presentations commencing at 5:30pm. Further refreshments will be provided after the farm walk.

BASIS and NRoSO points will be available for attending.

Please bring suitable footwear and clothing for a field walk.

About the farm

Tom and Debbie manage the farm on behalf of the Salbstein family where Tom follows his uncle in the role of farm manager.

They are keen to trial field-level practices that build a resilient farming system that stands up to climate volatility.

Their other interests cover creating a farm landscape that protects and restores habitats for farmland wildlife and supports integrated pest management.

They hope that joining the Monitor Farm programme in 2024 will provide a platform and content for knowledge exchange for the excellent farm organisations already working across Kent.

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If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 07778 143404
