Cheshire: Curtis Hulme Farm Strategic Dairy Farm launch

Past Event - booking closed

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

10:30am - 2:30pm

Curtis Hulme Farm, Bradwall Road, Middlewich, Cheshire

CW10 0LD

Join us in person as we introduce our new strategic dairy farmers, Dave and Caroline Williams, from Cheshire.

This meeting will cover

  • An introduction to the background of the farm, including a farm tour
  • The decision to cross-breed the herd and what will influence breeding decisions moving forward
  • How clear protocols for calf management result in strong, well-grown herd replacements
  • The long-term visions for the farm, including a critical look at areas for improvement and a future focus on soil mapping

About Curtis Hulme Farm

Farmers Dave and Caroline Williams run a herd of 450 cows on an all-year-round calving system.

The cows are a three-way cross with Holstein-Friesian, Norwegian Red, and Montbelliarde. They yield approximately 8,800 litres per cow, at 4.2% butterfat and 3.4% protein.

The farm is made up of 540 acres, 240 acres of that is owned, 200 rented and the rest is contract farmed, growing maize, wheat, barley and grass with white clover leys.

Through joining the Strategic Dairy Farm programme, Dave and Caroline want to look at soil mapping on their farm and increase herd productivity, with the feedback from a steering group and from local farmers that they will be hosting during their on-farm meetings.

