AHDB & NFU Crops Conference - Farming Profitably and Sustainably for the Future

Past Event - booking closed

Thursday, 26 January 2023

9:30am - 3:00pm

Briars Hall Hotel, 156 Briars Lane, Lathom, Lancashire

L40 5TH

At this year’s Crops Conference, we will be joined by a range of speakers including farmers, researchers and industry specialists to provide expertise from all areas of agriculture with the main theme of the conference being “Farming Profitably and Sustainably for the future”.

Throughout the day we will focus on soil and crop health and IPM as well as looking at the future of farming. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss the latest research with experts from across the cereals and oilseeds industry.

Registration and refreshments will be available from 09:30 with presentations commencing at 10:00 and lunch will be provided.

BASIS and NRoSO points will be available for attending.

The event is free to attend, but please register to allow us to cater accordingly.

If you would like to receive email notifications about events happening near you, please visit https://ahdb.org.uk/keeping-in-touch


If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.

E Michelle.Nuttall@ahdb.org.uk

T 07778 143404
