Using clover can give a financial and environmental boost to your farm but you need to know and understand its value to your business.

That’s why we’re holding three events in April in the North, Midlands and South West to show how to unlock its potential as a simple solution to combat rising costs and fluctuating milk prices.

They are aimed at those who are new to clover or have tried it before without success, through to the experienced grower looking to boost the quality of their grazing and silage.

The sessions featuring expert speakers and cutting-edge research will help you understand the value of clover, dispel some myths and find ways it can benefit your farm.

Topics covered include:

  • Reducing reliance on inorganic fertilisers
  • Cultivating home-grown proteins for both feed and environmental benefits
  • Fostering resilient swards and soils for enhanced farm profitability
  • Identifying site and seed selection with confidence
  • Embracing the role of diverse swards in shaping a sustainable future for your farm

Book your place

The events will held in:

Somerset on Thursday 4 April - find out more and register Cheshire on Tuesday 9 April - find out more and register Cumbria on Thursday 11 April - find out more and register

Breakfast and registration from 9:45am. Lunch and refreshments will also be provided. Booking is essential for catering purposes.

So, join us to discover how to become more sustainable, lower your carbon footprint, reduce artificial fertilisers and boost your meat and milk production.

Further information

Useful resources


Using clover to drive performance

Choosing the right grass and clover
