Crop protection priorities for forage and feed crops




The report reviews the most important scenarios that could affect the availability of pesticides for use in permanent grass, temporary grass, white clover, red clover, lucerne, lupins, maize, stubble turnips, kale, forage rape, fodder beet and chicory – it also summarises the impacts of pesticide losses on oilseeds and cereals (from HGCA report) and pulses (from PGRO report). It looks at the effects of the losses of pesticides on the weeds, pests and diseases they control and the resultant level of production and feed value that the crop could achieve.


The loss of clover safe herbicides could cost farmers an extra £180/ha. Reduced pesticide availability for arable farmers could also impact on livestock feed prices. It is therefore vital that all grass and forage producers use them correctly to ensure their continued availability. Please reveiw the Factsheet 'Maximising the benefits of weed control in grass and forage crops ' for further information.

Beef & Lamb
Project code:
01 March 2009 - 30 June 2009
AHDB Beef & Lamb, AHDB Dairy
Project leader:


74601 Final Report Jul 2009 Factsheet - Maximising the benefits of weed control in grass and forage crops 2010

About this project

The Problem:

Proposed EU pesticides regulations are likely to come into force soon, and will affect how forage and feed is grown for ruminants. The removal of some products in the next 5-10 years may affect potential yields and cropping rotations.  Also the introduction of EU Water framework Directive may affect current farming practices.


Project Aims:

  1. To review the potential impacts of the pesticides regulations on the production and management of feed and forage crops relevant to the dairy, beef and sheep sector
  2. To investigate the potential impacts of the Water Framework Directive on current production and management of feed and forage crops
  3. To identify the most economically significant threats from the new regulations in order to inform priorities for levy investments



The crops covered in this review will be temporary grassland, permanent grassland, red clover, white clover, lucerne, lupins, maize, stubble turnips, kale, forage rape, fodder beet, chicory, peas and beans. Cereal feeds and oilseeds will be covered in the work already commissioned by HGCA and incorporated into this EBLEX report.

The key disease, weed and pest issues in the forage crops listed above and their economic impact, if not controlled, will be identified. The future status of key active ingredients over a 5-10 year timescale, reasons for and likelihood of reduced availability (e.g. 91/414/EEC, resistance, market demands, Water Framework Directive) will be assessed.  Alternative control methods, whether currently available or in development, and their cost-effectiveness will be evaluated.  The most significant combinations of economic importance, risk of loss of current control measures and absence of alternative control methods will be identified. The impact of climate change on disease, weed and pest prevalence will be included.



A thorough review will be produced, and can be used to understand if further research is needed. It will also be used in KT programmes to provide information to producers on the impacts on the new regulations. It will also be part of joint AHRF activity.
