Part 3 – The positive impact on red meat and other opportunities
Part 1 – Get the menu and dish choices right for your diner
Part 2 – Communicate red meat quality, taste and reputational credentials
Diners won’t necessarily pay more, but long-term perceptions are improved
In our mock menu testing, one menu (A) had simpler descriptions, while the other (B) contained more dish descriptors.
It was clear in the results that the descriptive menu (B) conveys the messages more strongly than the simple menu and leads to a higher level of reassurance around red meat consumption. This is key to the long-term future of red meat in the dining out market.
While these perceptions of red meat saw an uplift in the more descriptive menus, the same cannot be said for how much consumers claim they are willing to spend. Price sensitivity analysis showed little difference between the two menus. While the menu presentation won’t necessarily drive up the price they are prepared to pay for each dish, it may drive up number of sales, therefore increasing overall revenue.
A strong menu must be supported by other touchpoints
While this research focussed on the menu, there are other touchpoints information about meat quality and sourcing could be provided. While meat preparation is most expected to be on menu, the role of the staff is important, with 42% expecting this to be provided by staff.
With recruitment and retention of hospitality staff under huge pressure, this shows the importance of the continued investment in their knowledge of the meat dishes on the menu. Indeed, Lumina Intelligence’s Top of Mind report shows that training is among initiatives that businesses are prioritising, with 60% of businesses in the eating out market saying it’s being prioritised, compared to 27% in the grocery retail market (Lumina Intelligence, July 2022).
Part 1 – Get the menu and dish choices right for your diner
Part 2 – Communicate red meat quality, taste and reputational credentials
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