Harvest progress in Great Britain

Updated 13 September 2024
Use our interactive tool below to discover harvest progress across Great Britain. You can also select specific crops, areas and the years you wish to compare at a regional or national level.


Harvest progress has slowed down over the past two weeks as rain and humid conditions have led to stop-start progress. The focus will now be on preserving quality in later harvested crops. Straw from later cut crops will also be lying wet where it has not been chopped or removed.

Many have now completed cereal and oilseed harvesting in England, with some areas of spring oats, spring barley and beans remaining to be cut. In Scotland, progress has centred on spring barley, with growers looking to preserve quality, while progress for wheat and oats has been much slower.

The wheat harvest is now largely complete across England and Wales, with the majority concluding in the week ending 4 September. However, in Scotland the wheat harvest is just 16% complete, having only progressed by 3 percentage points over the past week.

Yields continue to be reported below average across cereals and oilseed rape. But it is evident just how variable yields are from region-to-region, farm-to-farm and field-to-field. This is not overly surprising given the weather which we’ve seen but the larger drop in yields seen for some businesses will pose significant cash flow challenges.

Ergot is a significant challenge with this year’s harvest and this needs to be managed accordingly. A recent AHDB analysis looked at indicative cleaning costs. There are also generally high levels of grass weeds and volunteer cereals within crops.

Next report planned for: Friday 27 September 2024*

*subject to change, depending on weather and harvest progression.

How to use the dashboard

We are currently experiencing some technical issues with our harvest progress dashboard. We are working hard to fix this as soon as possible. The latest 2024 information is available to view in the report below.

  • Use the drop down menus at the top of the dashboard to select a harvest week and crop. This will allow you to view the national harvested area for that crop (top chart) as well as a regional breakdown (right-hand chart). National quality and yield information (left-hand table) is also available for all crops alongside harvest progress comments (map). The line chart tracks national harvest progress, for the selected crop, compared to previous years.
  • Use the drop down menus at the top of the second chart to view the harvest progress, of a particular crop, throughout the season.

Historical harvest progress

Download data

Historical harvest progress 2020 onwards


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