Contents tagged with trade and policy

29 April 2024

Blog outlining the detail of NZ-UK deal for ag products

4 February 2022

Are you eligible to receive funding under the new Landscape Recovery scheme?

26 January 2022

So, what does 2022 hold for the UK economy? It is not only experiencing the aftershocks of EU Exit but also the massive impact of a global pandemic that is showing little sign of abating at the time of writing.

11 January 2022

In this blog Sarah Baker talks about how and why retailers source agricultural products

6 January 2022

Blog with analyst Jess Corsair looking at the new environmental schemes announced at OFC

29 April 2024

What you need to know right now about the UK-Australia FTA

17 December 2021

Defra have announced that farmers in England will be able to access new funding in January. As part of the Farming Investment Fund they will be awarding grants to pay for capital investments to improve farm productivity.

17 December 2021

Last week US authorities removed the small ruminant rule, which was introduced more than 20 years ago banning imports of lamb from the UK and other countries where scrapie had been identified. In this article we look at what this will mean for the sheep sector.

8 December 2021

A glance at the UK/Australia trade deal.

8 December 2021

Blog looking at the opportunities for UK products if a trade deal is struck with the Gulf Co-operation Council

8 December 2021

AHDB’s Dr Jonathan Foot summarises the new Environment Act and how it will impact levy payers.

7 December 2021

David Eudall discusses new research demystifying how trade assurance schemes operate and the costs involved
