Contents tagged with race

4 October 2018

The original EPI (electrostatic particle ionisation) trial at Harper Adams university pig unit concluded in September 2016 that pigs kept under the EPI equipment were significantly less likely to have enzootic pneumonia (EP) like lesions.

4 October 2018

Electrostatic particle ionization (EPI) is an air cleaning system designed for reducing dust, microbial load and gases in a contained environment.

4 October 2018

All staff tagging piglets should have read the associated risk assessment and method statement (RAMS).

6 January 2025

Yield losses to yellow rust can be prevented using a combination of varietal resistance and fungicides.

12 May 2021

Understanding how animals react and what stimulates them helps producers improve handling facilities, making cattle handling safer and more efficient. This manual aims to improve producers' understanding of animal behaviour, helping them refine their skills and improve their facilities
