Contents tagged with press release

16 November 2018

The 2019 European Pig Innovation Group (EU PiG) Grand Prix is open for entries until 28 February 2019. All pig producers are invited to enter their innovative ideas and examples of on-farm best practice in this annual EU-wide contest, with up to 300 producers competing to become an EU PiG Ambassador.

7 November 2018

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is looking to recruit up to 15 new board members across its six sectors.

6 November 2018

Keeping things simple and focused will help keep the British pig industry fit for the future says the winner of this year’s David Black Award.

23 July 2019

From 2 April 2018 all farmers in England will need to meet new government rules to protect water quality.

2 October 2018

State-of-the-art scans reveal real-time root ramifications

2 October 2018

Grass and herbal leys farm network releases first findings

2 October 2018

A successful 2019 grazing season starts now.

17 September 2018

Following this year’s challenging weather conditions, AHDB Beef & Lamb are partnering with Teagasc for a series of workshops to help sheep farmers reduce impact on the 2019 lamb crop.

13 September 2018

Yesterday (12 September) Defra released an Agriculture Bill setting out the framework for the future Domestic Agriculture Policy.

1 November 2022

A new report published by AHDB suggests Brexit will have a considerable impact on the UK’s milling industry under a range of trade scenarios but the malting sector is in a far better position to weather the storm.

10 September 2018

Beef and sheep farms are needed for a new project which will help farmers across Great Britain improve management of their grassland.

10 September 2018

British farmers and industry experts visited the Netherlands to learn how the country has reduced ammonia emissions by making changes on farm.
