Contents tagged with grassland management

14 May 2021

Converting an arable farm to a milking platform is an ideal opportunity to set up the perfect grazing infrastructure.

30 April 2021

An article on freezing point depression in milk.

5 May 2021

Paul Richards joined Forage for Knowledge contributors as a discipline to measure, test and record grass – he’s now using the results to drop fertiliser rates.

5 May 2021

An article looking at the dry weather conditions and how to deal with the lack of rainfall.

16 April 2021

Improving grassland management by changing to rotationally-grazed paddocks can become a headache when it comes to silage making if you rely on a contractor. That’s because the focus is on growing 12 ME leafy, palatable grass for grazing and silage is only made to conserve a surplus (above 3,000 kg DM/ha) or correct a mistake.

16 April 2021

Spring sulphur applications can lift dry matter yields by 10–15% on the milking platform and help the grass plant better withstand summer drought. Those growing standing hay for dry cows could also see a yield boost of up to 20–30% in dry matter as the grass is allowed to express its full growth potential.

5 April 2024

Grass growth starts when soil at a depth of 10 cm reaches 5°C for five consecutive days. White clover and other legumes begin to grow at 8°C. Grass in compacted and wet soils will start growing later because the high moisture content makes the soil colder.

4 October 2023

Learn more about sowing depth and read our information on seed rates and rolling.

23 April 2021

From setting up the plough correctly to overseeding, our top tips act as a handy reminder when cultivating for a reseed.

23 April 2021

Our decision tree will help you to decide which reseeding method to choose. We’ve also got information on using a pre-cultivation spray and results from our reseeding survey.

23 April 2021

From preparing the seedbed to selecting the right cultivation method, our guide to establishing grassland reseeds will help you to maintain productivity.

7 April 2021

While recording grass growth on your paddock walks this year, it’s also worth making a note of boggy patches, blocked outfalls and choked ditches. As changing weather patterns bring extremes of rainfall, it’s important that land drainage systems efficiently remove excess water from the grazing platform.
