Contents tagged with grass utilisation

28 March 2024

Dairy March forecast update: Marginal decline expected in GB milk production for 2024/25

2 January 2025

Surplus grass usually starts to accumulate as grass growth peaks in May. In this section we explore different management options.

21 April 2020

This series of web pages can help producers develop a grazing plan for efficient grass-based beef production.

31 July 2019

Join AHDB Beef & Lamb and independent consultant, Luppo Diepenbroek, for this timely workshop to understand how we can improve animal performance and farm profitability through maximising grass utilisation. During the workshop we will discuss the opportunities to maximise grass growth and quality.

23 May 2019

Grass is the most important, yet often overlooked, resource for livestock production. Well-managed grassland provides the most economic feed all year round, either as grazing or conserved forage. This manual provides beef and sheep producers with advice on how to get the best from their grassland
