Contents tagged with grass growth

30 January 2024

In contrast to last year, grass growth has had rather a slow start to the season.

18 November 2019

If grass growth is not meeting animal demand, it’s important to take action. Read how to build up your grass covers in this section.

21 April 2020

High rainfall and poor soil conditions such as poaching are some of the things to consider when extending the grazing period.

19 November 2019

Grassland management is the key driver to increasing growth rates and stocking rate from grass.

29 October 2019

Good grazing management aims to make the most of the grass that grows. The aim is to prevent plants getting to the fourth-leaf stage and dying.

31 July 2019

Join AHDB Beef & Lamb and independent consultant, Luppo Diepenbroek, for this timely workshop to understand how we can improve animal performance and farm profitability through maximising grass utilisation. During the workshop we will discuss the opportunities to maximise grass growth and quality.

26 September 2024

The latest research and advice on grass, forage and soil management to help improve grassland productivity on livestock farms

19 March 2024

Nutrient management can often be forgotten on beef and sheep farms, yet there is considerable scope to reduce costs and improve output through the use of home-produced and bought-in nutrients. All crops need a good nutrient supply from the soil to grow and thrive. This updated manual looks at how feeding grass and forage crops properly with manufactured fertilisers or slurries and manures can boost growth.

23 October 2023

Views from across our Farm Excellence network on the 2018 heat wave and resulting drought

23 March 2020

Grass is an important crop and grazed grass is the cheapest feed on farm, yet it rarely earns the respect it deserves as a potentially high-quality, natural ruminant feed. This manual will help producers develop new, more efficient grazing strategies to improve returns for their business
