Contents tagged with Forage for Knowledge

3 November 2023

With grass growth rates set to rise this the perfect time to take back control and increase utilisation

27 April 2023

The application of PLR principles at a farm in Northumberland.

20 April 2023

Emily Collins provides top tips for cutting, harvesting, ensiling and clamping to help you produce high-quality silage.

13 April 2023

How best to meet the nutritional requirements of freshly calved heifers.

6 April 2023

Turn out for Magic Day – a case study with Keith Davis of Lydney Park Farms

3 November 2023

Top tips to help you manage clovers in your swards for grazing and silage.

3 November 2023

Top information and tips for fertilising grassland this spring

3 November 2023

Based on target areas and dates, we explain how to use our planner to maximise grass intakes this spring.

3 November 2023

With the 2023 grazing season now underway, this is an ideal time to review last year’s grazing and nutrient performance on the farm.

3 November 2023

We are now at the end of our 2022 Forage for Knowledge Newsletter series. This year brought about another challenging grazing season.

7 October 2022

After experiencing a dry summer with low rainfall Chris Elkington, lamb strategic farmer, updates us on what's been happening since June.

7 October 2022

Following a challenging drought, it is worth feed budgeting for different options for forage security.
