Contents tagged with education
12 July 2021
Find out about our commitment to increasing children's understanding of where and how their food is grown, reared and produced.
11 February 2021
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) funded education schemes reached more students than ever in 2020, as the nation took to home learning in response to the pandemic
19 June 2020
Farm owners and managers are being asked to help shape a new education programme which aims to develop home-grown talent for the agricultural industry.
5 October 2020
Educational resources for parents, children and teachers as schools stay closed during the COVID-19 outbreak
12 December 2019
Oxford Farming Conference, NFU Next Generation and AHDB, on behalf of the Skills Leadership Group, present its free Future of Skills fringe event
18 November 2019
More than 180 primary and secondary teachers were given food for thought at Scotland’s first conference to enhance teacher knowledge about farming, cooking and nutrition.
12 July 2021
Butchers & Processors area for the Meat Education Programme, including study materials and assessment application form
4 April 2022
Designed for butchers, chefs and anybody in between, our practical butchery and theory training modules cover beef and lamb cuts, cooking with red meat and customer service
13 August 2019
A third (33%) of teachers do not know where to go for information on food, farming and healthy eating practices, according to YouGov research commissioned by us.
27 February 2019
Producers and users of school educational resources on food are being invited to have their say on a series of new voluntary guidelines.
2 June 2020
More than 6,000 people have passed AHDB Meat Education Programme (MEP) training modules, to improve the skills of workers supporting the beef and lamb supply chain
6 August 2018
1376 teachers responded to AHDB Teacher Research survey conducted by YouGov to understand current practising teachers’ needs and priorities