Contents tagged with education

16 February 2023

Through our education work, we are committed to increasing children’s understanding of where and how their food is grown, reared and produced.

12 September 2022

Michaela talks about the importance of teaching children about food and nutrition.

7 December 2023

Amy talks about the importance of teaching children about food and nutrition.

13 June 2022

Chief Executive Tim Rycroft on AHDB's position on the Government Food Strategy.

14 December 2023

Find out how to have your say on the future of the dairy industry.

21 June 2024

Find out how to have your say on the future of the pork industry.

13 November 2023

Find out how to have your say on the future of the beef and lamb industry.

13 November 2023

Find out how to have your say on the future of the cereals and oilseeds industry.

5 November 2021

Beef and lamb farmer James Taylor joins us for a guest blog revealing his thoughts on how farmers and wider industry can take control and face up to the significant challenges posed by the current political and social operating environment.

3 September 2021

A series of online sessions for academics who are looking to learn more about the AHDB and what it offers for their curriculum.

15 July 2021

Christine Watts, AHDB Chief Communications and Market Development Officer, said: “We welcome publication of the National Food Strategy and a number of the recommendations highlighted, particularly improved food education in schools.
