Contents tagged with drought

27 April 2023

Experts have urged water companies and individuals to focus on preserving water now to get ahead of future dry spells, after the country experienced contrasting weather bouts over the past couple of months.

14 October 2022

Dealing with the dry weather of 2022 - a livestock farmer's view

16 June 2022

Heat stress impacts on growth rates, farrowing rates, and litter sizes. Is your stockman prepared to avoid it?

15 June 2022

Here are some practical steps you can take to minimise heat stress in outdoor pigs

9 June 2023

Stress from overheating can have a serious effect on your indoor herds, leading to reduced fertility, poor growth rates and even death. Find out what you can do to minimize the risk.

23 June 2022

Find out how to identify heat stress and what you can do to minimise the risk.

15 April 2021

Webinar discussing how farmers have adapted to cope with drought and flooding on their farms and the practical changes made to withstand these weather event

8 April 2021

Panel of livestock farmers talk about how they have adapted to cope with drought and flooding on their farms and the practical changes made to withstand these weather events

20 August 2020

Extreme weather can quickly affect soil conditions and crops. During periods of drought or prolonged rainfall famers and growers often ask AHDB how they should be managing their soils.

16 June 2020

In response to the continued dry weather through May, the EU’s Crop Monitoring (MARS) service has further downgraded its forecasts for UK crop yields, including spring barley.

28 February 2025

Forward planning is critical for Chris and Sarah Berry from Exeter who are aiming to increase output and reduce costs. After recently taking on full-time management of Higher Thornton Farm in Devon, Chris is aiming to improve their resilience to dry weather through diverse swards and grazing management

2 June 2020

GrasscheckGB farmer gives us an update on the continued dry weather situation on-farm
