Contents tagged with breeding
4 March 2020
Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) are now available to beef producers for carcase traits derived from abattoir data.
6 March 2020
A guide to the tools that can improve genetics in your herd as well as identifying and prioritising the key breeding measures.
10 February 2020
Our new study examines how fertility is associated with a range of traits
15 November 2019
At this time of year, the annual respite following calving gives autumn block herds valuable time to reflect and begin to think about breeding for next season.
15 November 2019
Genetics makes the difference between being average and being great according to Lloyd Holterman from Rosy Lane Holsteins in Wisconsin, USA.
13 February 2020
Top tips for managing ewe lambs at lambing time, including, lactation, nutrition, when to wean and assisting with problems.
13 February 2020
Good nutrition after tupping is crucial for ewe lambs to meet their target daily liveweight gain.
13 February 2020
Top tips for tupping ewe lambs to increase the chances of them getting in lamb.
13 February 2020
Advice on choosing a ram to breed with your ewe lambs.
13 February 2020
When choosing ewe lambs to put to the tup, consider weight, age and management of bought-in sheep.
9 July 2020
This series explains the key things to consider when lambing ewe lambs, such as what to look for when choosing replacements and management from tupping to lambing including nutrition and performance targets.
18 October 2019
Less than four weeks to go until the Sheep Breeders Round Table event, where attendees will find out the latest from industry projects and have the opportunity to discuss the impacts of Brexit.