Contents tagged with environment

31 October 2023

Dr Jonathan Foot outlines how to join the race to Net Zero

1 November 2021

UK Dairy Roadmap announces historic net-zero climate ambition

21 August 2023

PigProGrAm aims to reduce the environmental impact of ammonia emissions from livestock

24 April 2024

In the UK, 70% of food waste post-farm gate came from households, the equivalent of over £14 billion worth of food, and 20 million tonnes of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions a year (WRAP, August 2021).

19 October 2021

Annual feed bills across the UK beef industry could be reduced by up to £12.5 million thanks to the development of new selection index tool that allow animals to be selected for feed efficiency.

13 October 2021

AHDB and BBRSC announce £0.5m farm sustainability partnership

30 September 2021

As of June 2021, the EU reached an agreement on the reform of the new common agricultural policy (CAP)

23 September 2021

Find out how you can manage your environmental impact

26 August 2021

AHDB's James Holmes on the Environment Agency’s new guidelines

28 January 2022

In this long-term outlook, our Head of Environment Jon Foot discusses his thoughts on how farming carbon may become key for farming businesses in future.

14 January 2022

Optimising the use of nitrogen represents one of the major goals of sustainable livestock farming systems from both an economic and environmental standpoint
