Contents tagged with Better Returns

30 July 2019

Grazing a spring calving suckler herd

9 August 2019

Grazing spring calving suckler cows

18 July 2019

You cannot manage what you do not measure!

29 July 2019

Challenge Sheep discussion group run by Dawn Bowness with talks from Emma Steele

7 December 2023

Grazing Strategies for Better Returns

23 July 2019

A one day technical event for the sheep industry

4 April 2019

Buying in livestock is risky and is the most likely way of introducing a new disease onto your farm. The cost of a disease outbreak can be huge with long lasting effects. There are many potential diseases of concern as this checklist shows.

4 April 2019

Buying in livestock is risky and is the most likely way of introducing a new disease onto your farm. The cost of a disease outbreak can be huge. There are many potential diseases of concern as this checklist shows.

17 August 2023

Do you know how your animals are performing and your costs of production? Collecting records and then analysing them is the best way to understand how your business is performing.

19 March 2024

Nutrient management can often be forgotten on beef and sheep farms, yet there is considerable scope to reduce costs and improve output through the use of home-produced and bought-in nutrients. All crops need a good nutrient supply from the soil to grow and thrive. This updated manual looks at how feeding grass and forage crops properly with manufactured fertilisers or slurries and manures can boost growth.
