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Consumer reputational landscape
Maintaining the positive reputation of agriculture is critical to underpinning the future success of the industry. AHDB monitor and analyse consumer opinions and attitudes towards key reputational issues in the food and farming industry on an ongoing basis. In this series of articles and reports, AHDB will be exploring and analysing how attitudes towards the food system have evolved over time focussing on trust, transparency, the environment, health, and animal welfare. This will provide context and evidence on how these issues impact consumer shopping behaviour for all of our levy payers and stakeholders. Keep checking back as new articles will be added.
Trust and transparency
It is crucial that consumers feel they can trust in one of the most fundamental human needs – the food we eat, and how that food is produced. Find out more on how consumer attitudes towards the food system have evolved over time and how this could impact shopping behaviours in future.
As climate change becomes an ever more pressing societal concern and government and the supply chain move towards demonstrating environmental improvement there are increased pressures on agriculture. Consumers are increasingly considering the environmental impact of the food they eat. We examine to what extent the environment is impacting consumer purchase decisions and how this might change over time.
Health is a long-standing concern for consumers and therefore is a topic AHDB monitors regularly. Understanding the evolving health needs of the consumer is vital for the industry in order to understand how to position nutritious foods like red meat and dairy.
Consumers value the welfare of farmed animals highly yet aren’t always willing to pay for higher welfare options. Therefore, consumer opinion and attitude towards this area is a key reputational theme AHDB monitors regularly, as animal welfare practices can have a significant impact on consumer buying behaviour and attitudes.
Latest welfare articles and reports

Meat and dairy reduction and plant-based
In the past five years, flexitarianism has become more common and a small minority have excluded all animal products from their diet. This section looks at what drives these behaviours and how the market for meat and dairy alternatives is developing.
Catch-up on our consumer landscape webinar
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