What does a successful data ecosystem look like?
The current environmental data landscape is incredibly complex. The agri-food supply chain needs a data ecosystem that connects the flow of environmental data.
The data eco-system should:
- Use existing data sets to pre-populate to reduce cost – collect once; use many times
- Have two-way exchange of data with carbon calculator providers to avoid duplication
- Provide farmers with a mechanism to control the flow of their data and capture its value
- Enable aggregation of data and feed it into government and supply-chain reporting mechanisms when farmer permission has been given
What does the ideal data ecosystem look like?
A successful environmental data ecosystem will:
- Be easy to use and trusted by farmers
- Have clear control of the use and privacy of data
- Allow farmers to capture value from it
- Be backed by farmers and growers, governments, the supply chain and retailers
To build such a system will require industry collaboration and government support.
Setting key principles
As the farming unions and levy boards explore solutions, it is important to have a shared set of principles that will apply to any approach to management and collation of farm-level environmental data.
It is possible that some country-specific systems may be developed.
Where this happens, it is important that collaboration is facilitated through the individual systems sharing appropriate data where required.
Further information
Why collect environmental data?
The nine principles to help build a data ecosystem