Updating UK management guidelines for the ergot pathogen, Claviceps purpurea

Contract titleUpdating UK management guidelines for the ergot pathogen, Claviceps purpurea
Contract reference  
Contract period 01/11/2024 – 01/09/2025
Date 10/06/2024


The ergot fungus, Claviceps purpurea, infects grasses and cereals.  It produces alkaloids that are highly toxic to humans and animals.  In 2023, the Ergot Working Group, comprising key UK industry players, including farmer representatives and research stakeholders, identified a need to review existing AHDB ergot management guidance published in 2013 that is being shared with levy payers in the UK as it is lacking compared with the guidance offered to farmers in Europe.  This will enable farmers to better manage ergot in-field and maintain the value of the crop. This project is needed as incidences of ergot have been on the rise in the UK in the last three years, with 2021 and 2022 being exceptionally severe years where ergot sclerotia were found in 5-21% of grain samples (according to UKFM).  The Ergot Working Group found that very few processors are willing to accept contaminated grain.  Furthermore, although grain cleaning is an option to remove sclerotia from grain after harvest, it is costly and only partly effective in removing ergot alkaloids. Updated ergot guidelines to manage ergot in field would be essential to minimise the health risk posed to consumers and animals, reduce costs of cleaning contaminated samples for levy payers, and reduce grain rejections at intake.  AHDB is seeking to commission a high-level review to assess the current AHDB ergot management guidelines and use the review findings to update guidance where appropriate. Existing AHDB ergot management guidance can be found here: An introduction to ergot and its management in cereals | AHDB Management of ergot in cereal crops | AHDB  

Service requirement:

1) Review existing ergot management guidance and research and summarise findings in a report. Effort should be made to relate the applicability of findings to UK arable farms. 2) Use review findings to update AHDB ergot management guidance and produce an ergot identification chart. 3) Use review findings to identify UK knowledge gaps and where ergot research is needed to support UK farmers. It is recommended that this is done in conjunction with the Ergot Working Group.

Outputs and knowledge exchange

  1. Final report submitted within four months of the start date, providing an up-to-date review on ergot research and management guidance, as well as identify gaps in the research.
  2. Updated guidelines on ergot management for levy payers providing clear, practical advice on best practice to reduce ergot contamination.
  3. An ergot identification chart for farmers and processors, demonstrating a range of ergot sclerotia in a variety of settings, such as sclerotia on different host weed plants.

Budget, duration, and collaboration

The maximum budget available for this work is £30,000 (inclusive of VAT).  The project is for a duration of four months. Joint applications from two or more organisations are acceptable and encouraged where there is added value. AHDB reserves the right to not proceed with any application or, if appropriate, to request applicants to form a consortium to work together to deliver a programme of activities. Applications involving in-kind and/or cash funding from industry are particularly encouraged.

Completion and submission of the application form

Please refer to the guidance notes for completion of application forms. Applicants should complete the  AHDB Research and KE Application Form – Full Proposal Small. Completed forms must be emailed to research@ahdb.org.uk no later than 12:00 noon on 23rd August 2024. You should include:

  • How you intend to address the project objectives and deliverables.
  • Timelines and milestones.
  • Details and the capabilities of the team that will complete the work.
  • Details of any subcontractors/other organisations you will work with to achieve deliverables.
  • Evidence you or your team have completed similar or related work.
  • Proposed budget.
  • Your contact details.

All bids will be scored against the criteria shown in the table below.  The selection will be an open and fair competition according to AHDB’s procurement policy, which complies with EU state aid rules.

Quality and relevance of proposal

Scope of the work and value for money

Experience and expertise of bidder


No response is provided or the response fails to answer the RFQ


No response or price not clearly linked to milestones, activity, or resource


No relevant experience for this tender, or no evidence provided


The response significantly fails to meet the standards required, it contains significant shortcomings and/or is inconsistent with other bids


The response contains significant shortcomings, and it is very inconsistent with the other bids


The response contains significant shortcomings relative to other bids, and CVs lack evidence of sufficient expertise or experience by bidding team


The response falls short of achieving the expected standard in a number of identifiable respects


The bid falls short and it is not clear how the costs and resources available will deliver the project


The bid falls short, with poor fit for the elements of the team that will deliver this work. Over-reliance on one or two key people to providing oversight and ensuring the contracted outcomes are met


The response partially meets the requirement and provides certain relevant information, but is lacking or inconsistent in material respects


The response meets some of the bid requirements, but there are risks, or additional costs that may materially risk the project being delivered as planned


Some experience of delivering this type of work. However, the team lacks sufficient support/experience at all levels. Over-reliance on early career expertise to deliver the project, with insufficient oversight, or time dedicated by more experience team members.


The response meets the requirement in most respects, but is lacking or inconsistent in some minor respects


The response meets the majority of the requirements, but there are some minor delivery risks or inconsistencies linked to the project, that may not materially impact planned delivery


A strong mix of support with relevant experience, a good track record of peer reviewed work, but weak evidence that this work has been converted from research to commercial reality. May have some IP/Products/Services that could be relevant to the project


The response meets the requirement in all material respects and is extremely likely to deliver the required output/outcome. Plus it contains a number of innovative solutions/outcomes


The response meets all the requirements, has a clear and transparent costs, which are reasonable and necessary


A strong mix of support with relevant experience, a good track record of peer reviewed work, and work that has been converted from research to commercial reality. In addition, the organisation brings with it additional IP/Products/Services that will enhance this project

Tender submissions

Quotes must be received no later than 12:00 noon on 23rd August 2024.   Submission instructions: Electronically:

Email address: research@ahdb.org.uk
Reference (entered as the subject): Updating UK management guidelines for the ergot pathogen, Claviceps purpurea

Submissions will remain unopened until after the closing date and time has passed.




RFQ circulated


Last date for suppliers to ask clarification questions


Deadline for receipt of submission/quotes


Notification of intended award of contract


Contract commencement


Terms / Conditions of Participation

 If you have any questions relating to this tender, please contact:

Email address: research@ahdb.org.uk
Reference (entered as the subject): Updating UK management guidelines for the ergot pathogen, Claviceps purpurea



If you have a specific question related to this call please email research@ahdb.org.uk.  As part of the open tender process AHDB cannot discuss specific project details prior to submission of a proposal. All responses to questions will be anonymised and published. Question 1: Please note this has now been superseded by question and answer 3.   One of the expected outputs of the tender is: An ergot identification chart for farmers and processors, demonstrating a range of ergot sclerotia in a variety of settings, such as sclerotia on different host weed plants. Is there a source of stock images or are the tenderers expected to generate their own images? The contract period which runs between November and the end of March is not compatible with the field presence of ergot for most weed species which would make generating requirement images as part of the contract period infeasible.   Answer 1: Please note part of this question and answer has now been superceded by question and answer 3.   We are happy for the researchers to provide the updated guidelines at the deadline stated, then propose a feasible date for the ID guide to be submitted later in the year. We expect applicants to take their own pictures, without the use of AI generated images, but we are more than happy to collaborate with applicants and share relevant images from our library with them.   Question 2: Please note this has now been superseded by question and answer 3.   Can you please clarify why the project length over which we can carry out the work and request funds is four months, when the contract period is 5 months (01/11/2024 to 31/03/2025).   Answer 2: Please note this has now been superseded by question and answer 3.   It should be 5 months, the dates are correct (01/11/2024 to 31/03/2025). Question 3: One of the expected outputs of the tender is: An ergot identification chart for farmers and processors, demonstrating a range of ergot sclerotia in a variety of settings, such as sclerotia on different host weed plants. Is there a source of stock images or are the tenderers expected to generate their own images? The contract period which runs between November and the end of March is not compatible with the field presence of ergot for most weed species which would make generating requirement images as part of the contract period infeasible.   Answer 3: We have changed the final deadline to encompass the time to put together the ID chart. The new contract deadline should be 1st September 2025, but the deadline for submitting the updated management guidelines should remain the same 31/03/2025.   Milestone 1 – Updating the ergot management guidelines 31/03/2025 Milestone 2 – Submission of an ergot ID chart 01/09/2025
