
4 September 2019

Initial assessment of the implications of the Government's no deal tariffs on AHDB's key sectors

13 March 2019

Cull sow prices are potentially very sensitive to a no-deal Brexit, as at the moment cull sow carcases are typically exported to Europe. Under a no-deal scenario, this trade would face additional tariffs, and a lack of alternative markets means farmgate sow prices would be expected to fall. While income from cull sow sales makes up a relatively small percentage of producer incomes, this change would be unwelcome at a time when producers are, on average, already in a loss-making situation.

25 March 2019

Writing your ambitions down is one of the most successful ways to visualise what you want to do and so make it happen. However, only 19% of farmers have a written business plan.

2 July 2019

Arable Scotland is a brand-new annual event for Scotland where the industry can meet, explore and discuss new innovations that will drive the productivity and future sustainability of Scottish arable production.

16 August 2019

Strategies are being put in place to minimise disruption

5 August 2021

Understand your current situation and think about where you want to be, and create a plan which gets you there

14 April 2023

Plan for the future to improve the resilience of your agricultural business

11 March 2019

Find out what the domestic and international markets hold for both Scottish grain and livestock

2 February 2023

Why should you write one and what should you include?

2 February 2023

Understanding your customers and their requirements

16 October 2023

Showing the future stability of your business

4 September 2019

How do you produce quality products and meet your customer's needs?
