Horizon scanning
2 October 2018
The nature of the future relationship that the UK government will seek to negotiate with the rest of the EU has not yet been defined, following the 23 June referendum decision to leave.
2 October 2018
The referendum decision on 23 June has raised a number of questions around the approach the UK Government(s) will take to areas of policy which were previously decided at EU level. One of these areas is trade.
3 December 2024
In this edition of Horizon we will look at different agricultural support models from specific countries around the world and evaluate their impact on the agricultural industry.
31 July 2020
In this issue of Horizon we consider the impact that Brexit may have on the industry in terms of availability and affordability of labour.
3 June 2019
Understand how agri-food trade could be affected once the UK leaves the EU, under both an agreed withdrawal and under a ‘no deal’ scenario.
11 October 2018
In this issue of Horizon we consider the impact that Brexit may have on the industry in terms of products of Geographical Indication (GI).
12 July 2019
Find out how Pork trade could be affected once the UK leaves the EU, under both an agreed withdrawal and under a ‘no deal’ scenario.
8 February 2019
The aim of this report is to provide readers with an understanding of how Horticulture trade could be affected once the UK leaves the EU, under both an agreed withdrawal and under a ‘no deal’ scenario.
29 April 2019
Understand how Dairy trade could be affected once the UK leaves the EU, under both an agreed withdrawal and under a ‘no deal’ scenario.
3 June 2019
Find out how the Cereals and Oilseeds trade could be affected once the UK leaves the EU, under both an agreed withdrawal and under a ‘no deal’ scenario.
28 February 2019
The aim of this report is to provide readers with an understanding of how Beef and Lamb trade could be affected once the UK leaves the EU, under both an agreed withdrawal and under a ‘no deal’ scenario.
2 October 2018
In this edition of Horizon we will examine what the regulatory framework for plant protection products (PPPs) in UK agriculture and the wider supply chain might look like post Brexit.