The Fertiliser Manual (RB209) review


RB209 offers best practice guidance in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on application of mineral fertilisers, manures and slurries to crops and grassland.

The last edition published by Defra was in 2010. In June 2015, AHDB announced it would lead on the revision of RB209 and formed the UK Partnership for Crop Nutrient Management to oversee the programme.

This project was the most comprehensive review of nutrient management for almost seven years. Delivered by an ADAS-led consortium of experts from across the UK research community, it was supported by £200,000 of in-kind funding by industry.

Farmers, growers, agronomists, breeders, researchers, fertiliser companies and other industry experts were among those consulted on how to improve RB209 recommendations.

The review, which took account of the latest research developments since 2009, was split into six distinct themed work packages (WP).

The process generated a number of changes, including updated recommendations for additional crops and information on the nutrient content of additional organic materials.

The review formed the basis of extensive updates to the AHDB Nutrient management guide (RB209) published in May 2017.

The guidance is now reviewed and updated annually.

Beef & Lamb,Cereals & Oilseeds,Dairy
Project code:
01 September 2015 - 15 May 2016
AHDB sector cost:
Project leader:

