Sustainable control of worms in cattle



A technical manual for veterinary surgeons and advisers that covers parasitic gastroenteritis, lungworm and liver fluke.  Available in printed (limited) and electronic format on the EBLEX and other websites.   KT activity will follow via a number of organisations

Beef & Lamb
Project code:
10 November 2009 - 31 March 2010
AHDB Beef & Lamb
AHDB sector cost:
Total project value:
Project leader:
Mr Mike Taylor


About this project

The Problem:

Poor understanding of the parasites lifecycle, biology or poor application practice is often to blame for ineffective use of anthelmintics.   In order to increase the knowledge of vets and farmers about cattle endoparasite management and use of anthelmintics, a technical manual will be compiled and made available to the cattle industry across GB.


Project Aims:

  1. Promote the sustainable management of worms in cattle to avoid the health problems and production losses that cattle worms can cause.
  2. This will be carried out/implemented by raising awareness of the issue and highlighting the management options available for control.
  3. Also to promote good practice in the use of cattle anthelmintics to ensure their efficacy is maintained and minimise the risk of resistance emerging.



A technical manual will be drafted to meet the objectives outlined above, with the aim of better informing practicing veterinary surgeons, agricultural advisors and farmers about the need for proper and considered management of the endoparasites in cattle.  The manual will be made available to the cattle industry across Great Britain.

Industry will be consulted as appropriate and a meeting with representatives of major organisations will be held to draw together the comments into a final version of the manual.



  1. A technical manual for veterinary surgeons and advisers akin to the SCOPS technical manual, to include parasitic gastroenteritis, lungworm and liver fluke.  Available in printed and electronic format.
  2. KT activities will follow based on the content of the technical manual but this work is not costed into this project.