Slurry wizard user guide: Before you start
Before using the slurry wizard, you should make the checks outlined below.
Before using the slurry wizard calculator, read the notes and disclaimer:
Check computer requirements
Note that the wizard will only function correctly if you have Microsoft Excel installed.
The slurry wizard is about 38 MB; please ensure you have enough disk space before downloading it.
Rainfall data
The slurry wizard contains rainfall data supplied by UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
What livestock can it be used for?
The slurry wizard can be used for:
- All livestock which produce slurry to calculate slurry storage capacity requirements
- Non-slurry-producing livestock to calculate N loading per hectare for NVZ compliance
What legislation applies to your farm?
Regulations vary by country. AHDB recommends finding out which legislation may affect your farm. The key ones are:
Next steps
The slurry wizard excel file has the following tabs:
- 'Guidance sheet' (tab 1)
- '1. Slurry Data Entry' (tab 2)
- '2. Livestock Data Entry' (tab 3)
- '3. Slurry Report' (tab 4)
Calculations carried out using this tool will be based on figures provided by the user. AHDB cannot take responsibility for decisions made as a result:
- All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws. Unless expressly provided, this calculator and the information or results provided from your use of the calculator (“Results”) are delivered “as is” without warranty of any kind.
- We do not warrant or guarantee that the Results will be delivered free of any inaccuracies, omissions or errors (“Faults”), or that all Faults will be corrected.
- We shall not be liable for any loss, damage or cost resulting from any such Faults. You assume sole responsibility and entire risk as to the suitability and results obtained from use of the calculator, and any decisions made, or actions taken, based on the information contained in or generated by the calculator.
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