
Remuneration committee

The board operates a Remuneration and Nominations Committee which has the responsibility to:

1. Advise Defra on the remuneration of AHDB board members

2. Set the remuneration for the sector board members

3. Advise the board, in consultation with Defra, on the performance objectives and remuneration terms linked to these objectives for the AHDB chief executive

4. Advise the board on the total remuneration packages for the senior managers in the AHDB Group, including pay benefits and pension arrangements

Board remuneration

AHDB Board Members’ remuneration is based on a day rate of £350 (set by Defra) which is calculated into an annual fee, using amortised historical data. Board Members are paid monthly in arrears. The annual rates are as follows:

  • Board members receive £12,600 per annum with a minimum expectation of 36 days per annum
  • The four Board members who also serve as sector council chairs receive £25,200 per annum with a minimum expectation of 72 days per annum
  • The AHDB chair receives £58,000 per annum with a minimum expectation of 104 days per annum

Board members are also able to claim reasonable travel expenses.

CEO remuneration

The Chief Executive and Accounting officer of AHDB, who joined the organisation on 1 March 2024, is paid an annual salary of £149,000.

Senior manager remuneration

The remuneration of the AHDB Leadership Team who are responsible, with the Chief Executive, for managing AHDB's operations are published in July each year in the AHDB Annual Report and Accounts.

Gender pay

These statistics need to be taken within the context of the organisation’s structure and evolution because they only reflect part of the story of the comparability of men and women across AHDB.

From 7 April 2018, all organisations in the UK with more than 250 staff must publish details on their gender pay gap. The latest information can be found on GOV.UK below.

Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board 2023/24: Gender pay gap report
