Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) of research studies and evidence syntheses on assessment of practices to reduce post-weaning diarrhoea in pigs.



  1. Literature searches will gather the evidence necessary for the REAs. These searches will target review papers, both peer-reviewed and grey literature.
  2. The evidence will be synthesised and discussed with AHDB and the Pig Veterinary Society (PVS) to ensure a relevant selection of results and an adequate delivery. An interim report will be prepared. This will outline the key practices that show the greatest promise for the Evidence for Farming Initiative (EFI) to fast-track into useful resource for farmers. This will include an initial assessment of their effect on post-weaning diarrhoea, post-weaning mortality and growth rate.
  3. Summaries will be prepared for each practice assessed and further reporting will be prepared. Recommendations on future research to address any knowledge gaps identified will be put forward, as well as a report on data and technologies of relevance to the area.
  4. The final report will present the results of this project and specify the methodology used. Dissemination of the results will be done in collaboration with AHDB's  Knowledge Exchange and Communication teams.
Project code:
27 June 2022 - 20 February 2023
SAC Commercial Ltd
AHDB sector cost:
Total project value:
Project leader:
Bethan John


About this project

The objectives of this project are:

a. Provide Rapid Evidence Assessments (REAs) on practices that reduce post-weaning diarrhoea according to AHDB's draft Evidence Standards. These practices are listed in the Evidence for Farming Initiative (EFI) request for quote and are grouped into nutritional changes, management practices and immune status.

b. Outline where there are exisiting evidence synthesis and the nature of these syntheses.

c. Translate REAs into summaries for each practice that can be presented to producers through EFI.

i) Much of what has already been reviewed should be summarised if possible

ii) Conduct returns on investment (ROI), to be discussed and agreed with AHDB.

d. Outline where there are gaps in the evidence base that EFI might seek to address through the commissioning of primary research.

e. Outline future data developments and technologies  ( such as big data and AI for predictive analytics) that could give greater insights than current research and data methods.

f. Provide feedback on EFI framework and the generation and application of evidence standards. 
