P2108376: BBSRC and AHDB Catalysing Partnerships in Farmed Animal Health Background - Questions & Answers

A: If the welfare call has an endemic disease component, this could be appropriate.

A: With this Research Call, we have bypassed the ‘Outline Proposal’ stage and are requesting completion of the Small Full Proposal Application form as linked on the published Research Call.

A: The awards will fund direct costs only, including both directly incurred and directly allocated costs, at 100% fEC. This includes travel and salaries. Investigator and staff time can be charged to individual projects as required.

A: ‘Register now for the online launch of a new £8M funding initiative for endemic livestock diseases

Online webinar at 14.30 – 16.00 on 14th September: Register here

Launch of the Endemic Livestock Diseases Initiative, with perspectives on making a difference by changing behaviours from Dr Theo Kanellos (Zoetis), Dr David Rose (University of Reading) and Dr Alex Roydon (Poultry Health Services).

BBSRC, with Defra, DAERA, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and AHDB, are launching a £8M initiative to tackle the challenge of endemic diseases in UK livestock. Join us on 14th September, 14:30-16:00 for the launch of this new initiative to fund collaborative research, translation and husbandry approaches to reducing the impacts of UK endemic diseases in livestock (poultry, pigs and ruminants). The funded research will support the livestock industry’s continued progress in improving animal health and welfare and reducing environmental impacts.

The Endemic Livestock Diseases Initiative will consist of two phases. The first phase will launch in Autumn 2021 with a virtual priming partnership workshop. Researchers, farmers, businesses, vets and other organisations are invited to attend the workshop to form groups that co-develop ideas for research and innovation to tackle endemic diseases in livestock.   At the end of the workshop, groups will be invited to submit their proposal for funding. This will be directly linked to a larger collaborative research and development investment, to be launched in 2022. Usual BBSRC eligibility will apply: funding will go to researchers from eligible research organisations, but proposals must involve industry partners who make a cash or in-kind contribution to the project. 

This is in addition to the AHDB/BBSRC Catalysing Partnerships Opportunity announced last week.

The Initiative will formally launch with a webinar on 14th September at 14:30, where further information on timelines, initiative aims and eligibility will be made available. Please register here  to attend the webinar.’

A: It seems unlikely that a private business would meet the BBSRC eligibility criteria. The academic partner  may fulfil the requirements even if the proivate organisation is the major player. In which case the application would need to be made in the academic partners' name.

A: To complete the form please leave the sector selection at the top of the form blank and include ‘Poultry’ in the title of your project.

A: Poultry diseases are included as a priority, so applications are welcomed, provided the applicant meet the BBSRC eligibility criteria.

A: DAERA is not co-funding the Catalysing Partnerships in Farmed Animal Health Background but is co-funding the Endemic Livestock Diseases Initiative

A: The larger funding can be applied for if you did not apply for the smaller fund provided you meet the BBSRC eligibility criteria
