Cost of production
Compare your production costs with other farmers using our regularly updated data and analysis, including input costs and benchmarking.
Data and analysis by livestock sector
Below are costings and performance results from AHDB benchmarking activities (at home and abroad) that allows farmers to compare their performance (technical and financial) with both themselves (year on year) and with others with similar production systems or those competing in the same market.
Cereals and oilseeds data
Find our latest Cereals & Oilseeds analysis and today’s futures prices, ex-farm prices, supply and demand data, and more.
Key inputs: Feed, fertiliser, fuel, and hay and straw
We regularly publish updates to price information for the following key inputs:
Benchmark costs in arable, beef or lamb enterprises
Farmbench is an online benchmarking tool that allows you to compare your farm to similar businesses. Use it to identify where you can improve efficiency and increase profits for beef, lamb and arable enterprises.
Farmbench: Knowing your cost of production can help your business in the future