Ladies in Pigs

We are a proud sponsor of Ladies in Pigs (LIP), an organisation that promotes and educates people about British Red Tractor approved pork and its associated products. It is linked to curriculum aims and caters for all ages of learning.

LIP have been passionately spreading the word about how tasty, versatile and wholesome pork is for nearly 30 years.

Every year, they travel across the country to schools, colleges and events to discuss all things pig related.

They support the pig industry by working to increase the awareness and consumption of Red Tractor pork, bacon, ham, gammon and pork products like pork pies and sausages.

They are a non-profit organisation that is member-led.

2023–24 achievements

  • Visited 90 schools
  • 10,000+ schoolchildren aged 3–16 participated
  • 100% positive feedback
  • Over 30,000 people engaged with at a variety of events across the UK

“Promoting British pork, along with the allied companies contributing to the sector, remains a cornerstone of our mission at LIP.

“Our efforts continue to garner interest from all visitors we engage with, underscoring a widespread fascination with the high standards maintained across all facets of food production in Britain.

“Our diverse membership places us in a privileged position, enabling us to explore and discuss a wide range of topics during our visits.

"This diversity not only enriches our conversations, but also highlights the comprehensive approach taken by the British pork industry and its affiliates to ensure quality and sustainability.” – Ladies in Pigs

Visit the Ladies in Pigs website

Learn more about our Education programme
