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Pork KPIs - Yield
The key to measuring yield KPIs is weighing stock. There are key points that lend themselves to gathering weight data more than others. Measures can be the number of grams per day a pig grows known as daily liveweight gain (DLWG) or a measure of the efficiency of feed converted into meat (FCR).

FCR – How much ‘pig meat’ (kg of live weight) is generated for every kg of feed that is used. In simple terms:
- FCR = Feed provided over time (tonnes) ÷ Weight gained in same time (tonnes)
- Feed consumed per day ÷ DLWG
Yield – In this case is either kg or tonnes of either live weight pigs (l.wt) or dead weight pork (d.wt)
Daily live weight gain (DLWG) - also known as average daily gain (ADG)
Daily Live Weight Gain (DLWG)
What is this?
A measure of the number of grams per day a pig grows.
Why is it important?
A faster growing pig yields better return with lower feed and labour inputs.
Data Inputs
Total weight gain (over time)
- Amount of time (days)
- Average
- Top 10%
How to calculate
Change in weight (from last weight or birth)
Days since last weighing or since birth
Tools and resources
We also offer a range of materials in the AHDB knowledge library
Other tools are available relating to weighing:

The key to gathering this data is weighing stock. There are key points that lend themselves (labour and facilities depending) to gathering weight data more than others:
Sows: Into and then out of the farrowing house
Progeny: At birth, at weaning, between growth stages, prior to sale/loading
Typical benchmark data is available for both the indoor and outdoor herd on our Pork Costings and Herd Performance pages.
Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)

What is this?
How much physical mass of pig has been produced by the feed provided. An efficiency measure which can also be a useful proxy for environmental performance.
Why is it important?
The goal is to produce as much value with minimal waste. Feed costs are the largest cost of pork production.
Data Inputs
- Total feed input over time (feed intake per day)
- Total weight gain over time (DLWG)
- Average
- Top 10%
How to calculate
Total feed intake per day
Daily live weight gain (DLWG)
Tools and resources
Feed costs account for around 60% of the total cost of production.
Feed type, feed delivery and other factors are discussed in various AHDB documents:
- Feed alternatives
- Feed at key growth stages
- Factors affecting finishing pigs
- Feeding the growing and finishing pig
Producers should always be aware of how feeding can impact the final return
AHDB also produces feedback on the market prices of feed
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