The UK Farm Assurance Review survey – The Independent Commission wants to hear your views

Complete the survey by Saturday 31 August 2024.

The contents of this page are managed by the Independent Commission.

You may be aware that the national farming unions and AHDB have sponsored an independent review of the UK Farm Assurance System which is planned to report at the end of this year.

Among other topics, the review is examining:

  • How farm assurance can deliver value back to scheme members
  • How standards are developed to meet the evolving needs of members, the markets they serve, sector diversity and in appreciation of the global marketplace
  • How assurance members are engaged with (including the development of standards) and inspected and how technology is used in assurance now and in future
  • How assurance schemes can and should fit with regulation and government schemes to best serve members

The Commissioners leading this review would like you to participate in a survey that will help provide evidence for the review, and will assist in the development of its recommendations. We are seeking views, in a variety of ways, across the UK agri-food industry, but this is your chance to tell us your experiences of farm assurance so that we hear directly from the farming community.

The survey will take 10–15 minutes to complete. We realise that you have many other calls on your time, but this is the first occasion, in many years, that a comprehensive evaluation of UK farm assurance has been undertaken, so we want as many people as possible to share their views with us.

Complete The UK Farm Assurance Review survey

We look forward to receiving your submission and thank you for your contribution to this important review.

Dr David Llewellyn

Lead Commissioner
UK Farm Assurance Review

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