Beyond Borders: overview

We use our unique role to open and access the opportunities international trade presents.

By providing enhanced tools, services and platforms, AHDB can give more levy payers a chance to add value to their businesses through global trade and increase resilience in a rapidly changing world.

Global markets are in strong growth, and both protein demand and wealth are increasing.

Global meat consumption is expected to grow by 1.8% (Source GIRA) and fresh dairy product consumption by 2.53% from 2023 to 2024 (Source: OECD).

There is potential for us to capitalise on these new opportunities for all levy payers, to support businesses, jobs and profitability across the sectors, particularly when faced with the potential for import pressure.

We invest £8m of levy payers' money annually to facilitate trade and grow Britain’s reputation as a producer of quality, safe and wholesome food.

Our most recent evaluation showed AHDB exports delivered an £11.90 return for every £1 invested. 

Extending the UK's economic ties

The exit from the EU and the ability of the UK to now establish new independent trade agreements marks a pivotal moment for the export of our products.

Exports support jobs, enable small businesses to increase their productivity and extend the UK’s economic ties across the globe.

This strategy sets out how AHDB will support businesses to respond to global export opportunities.

Our 7-point plan for the future provides the framework for a new approach in existing mature markets while supporting new growth regions, laying the groundwork for more exporters to thrive.

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