Wiltshire: Optimising slurry use in an intensive grazing system at Wolfhall Farm

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

10:30am - 2:30pm

Wolfhall Farm, Burbage, Marlborough, Wiltshire


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Over recent years Wolfhall Farm has invested heavily in slurry infrastructure. Increasing the use of slurry across the grazing platform could reduce the use of artificial nitrogen, input costs, and carbon footprint. However, this change isn’t without its challenges.

The farm team has been working with independent grazing and soil consultant Dr Chris Duller to investigate and plan a fertiliser strategy that optimises both dry matter yield from the grazing platform and slurry use while keeping an eye on soil nutrient balance.

Join us for an on-farm meeting where Chris will discuss the options available to you based on the findings of his work with Tom and Ant at Wolfhall including:

  • Storage options and the nutrient and financial values of slurry and farmyard manures
  • Spreading options
  • Managing nutrient balances
  • Integrating slurry management with an intensive grazing system

About Wolfhall Farm

Herd Manager, Anthony Mitchell and farm owner, Tom Blanchard, run a 600-cow, crossbred herd on a split-block calving system, yielding approximately 6,000 litres per cow, at 4.8% butterfat and 3.7% protein.

The autumn block is served mainly to sexed semen with beef semen only used in the spring block. Beef calves are reared to six months of age before being sold as stores.

The 600-ha farm has a 175-ha grazing platform with grass, maize, fodder beet, and lucerne grown to support the dairy. Wheat, barley and oilseed rape are also grown.


If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.

E thomas.washbourne@ahdb.org.uk
